We are GFC-Global Food Corridors new e-auction platform for Agri-commodities in Greece & the Balkans, India, UAE, Moldova, South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Mexico and Australia.
GFC, established in 2018, is a technological, commercial, marketing and logistic service provider, bringing supply and demand together in a fair, coordinated and reliable manner. GFC offers a wide spectrum of services, from the first stage up to the electronic auction and delivery.
The aim of GFC trading platform is to achieve the automation of the Agricultural Greek, Indian & Balkan markets through a modern electronic auction trading infrastructure export-oriented at European standards, by organizing and coordinating the markets and creating transparency, speed and trust. GFC integrates and coordinates the actual Agricultural markets with the International & National network of product supply, cold storage logistics, Service Providers(eg. packagers), quality control agencies and transport companies to provide rapidly the best quality product at the consumer’s doorstep.
GFC international platform link/unite directly the growers/buyers and sales organizations by providing the latest technological trading tools taking into account the growers’ and buyers’ needs! All the users use only “1 tool” to do all of their business and to exchange the necessary information, GFC E-Auction platform.
GFC has a wide network of worldwide suppliers, growers and partners, handling a wide assortment of Fresh and non-perishable produces sourced from all over the world.
GFC business model, a de-centralized network of Depots supported by a central administration that provides all the necessary tools.
You have 1 cloud base central server system (GFC dealing room) which communicates with all the National & International certified regionally depots involved in selling the products. In each depot, supplied products are registered with their product characteristics and the right storage location with the dates of receipt indicated. These data are centrally stored. Our certified selling parties enter the supply they want to sell on the clock system via GFC web portal after logging in successfully. Each supplier member of the network, collectivity, group of producers, exporters, is free to choose and upload into the system the quantities and qualities he has at his disposal each time, as well as the trading tool he wishes to use for the selling of his produces. In this way, we will get a certain stock, which can be sold afterwards to the “registered buyers” through the various e-auction sales tools. Supply and demand are brought together! Buyers have access from distance in to the platform with a membership card, and can have a real time overview of what is available and can participate in the scheduled auctions, or pre-order quantities, and negotiate prices and volumes directly through the electronic platform. Buyer can check the stock of all the members/ group of growers or can ask who can deliver this for that price to the NTW members.
Afterwards, the information from all these transactions is available on the website of GFC organization for buyers, farmers etc. After being logged in, the client can view his specific data (transactions, catalogues, statistics, and general information). Following the sale, the various depots get the necessary tasks and insights about who is going to load what. The back office software makes the necessary finalization of the transactions, follow-up of invoices, payments, statistical reports, etc.
GFC commissioners and external CQ agencies ensures the quality and reliability of the products and process.

GFC can provide daily/weekly liquidity to the suppliers, through financial tools like reverse factoring and other financial tools when required.
Before the auctioning, the bidder participating in the auctioning will either deposit X amount calculated as per his buying needs, or provide LC or BG. GFC CFO will confirm and accept buyer’s participation.
GFC invoices on behalf of the supplier using his VAT no. through 3PL & 4PL method (third part logistic).
Once the trade has been confirmed, primary invoice will be generated automatically by GFC e-auction ERP software which can be accessed by the traders from the respective dashboard or from the one sent to the winning bidder on email / SMS or manually. Winning bidder is able to deposit the amount on-line into a settlement account using a specific interface we provide or through on-line payment gateway provided on GFC e-platform. Once the funds are received, a confirmation message will be sent to the Farmer- Seller / GP/ Collectivity, or Commission Agent. Depending on the terms of delivery, the winning bidder will be required to take the delivery of goods either by himself or through an authorized agent or logistics provider. Buyer can also request the TMC (Terminal Market Center) SP to dispatch the goods through a transporter identified by him on “Freight to Pay” basis at his own risk and cost Freight, insurance charges etc. to be paid by the buyer. Funds due to be paid to the Farmer- Seller / GP / Collectivity/ Commission Agent and other beneficiaries like service providers etc. will be automatically transferred to their respective bank accounts registered with GFC e-auction platform within 7 (seven) business day by the bank operating the e-auction account of GFC upon on-line approval.